
Originally conceived as a modest UI design initiative, the OctoSpan project evolved over four years into a comprehensive UX endeavor that incorporated cutting-edge hardware and rigorous user testing. We began by investing in and testing a variety of high-end cameras, capture cards, server systems, and joysticks. Our team conducted hundreds of experiments, including latency testing over a 2km fiber optic cable, to ensure optimal performance.
User testing played a critical role in refining the interface. Through multiple iterations and continuous feedback from users, we polished the UI to meet the high standards of the offshore industry. Our commitment to addressing every question and concern led us to groundbreaking innovations. The result was the development of the offshore industry’s first fully digital recording device, the OctoSpan. This achievement was made possible by our relentless focus on user experience and technical excellence.

The UI and the ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) were showcased at the prestigious Oceanology International fair in London, 2016, where they received significant attention from industry experts.


UX / UI designer

facilitating workshops, user studies and personas, user testing, ui design, journey mapping, rapid prototyping

Project Overview: Originally conceived as a modest UI design initiative, the OctoSpan project evolved over four years into a comprehensive UX endeavor that incorporated cutting-edge hardware and rigorous user testing.

Process and Development: We began by investing in and testing a variety of high-end cameras, capture cards, server systems, and joysticks. Our team conducted hundreds of experiments, including latency testing over a 2km fiber optic cable, to ensure optimal performance.

User-Centered Design: User testing played a critical role in refining the interface. Through multiple iterations and continuous feedback from users, we polished the UI to meet the high standards of the offshore industry. Our commitment to addressing every question and concern led us to groundbreaking innovations.

Outcome: The result was the development of the offshore industry’s first fully digital recording device, the OctoSpan. This achievement was made possible by our relentless focus on user experience and technical excellence.

Presentation: The UI and the ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) were showcased at the prestigious Oceanology International fair in London, 2016, where they received significant attention from industry experts.

UI 3rd and last major iteration
UI color and sliders overview
Interactable UI elements
System controlled UI elements
Overview of some of the sandard UI slider elements from the 3rd iteration
In the 3rd iteration of the UI the user can add selected input values to the bottom of the screen - makes monitering key values super easy
The UI was presented at the Oceanology International 2016. Below a few screens from that presentation
Camera 1 main page
Some of the UI objects needs to be pressed and hold for x number of seconds before turning off. Here we are in the progress of turning off the camera one
Camera 1 turned off. All UI objects in the section is dimmed down to illustrate that they are turned off and not available for interaction
Lights section. The goal with this UI was to make it as simple as possible and only show what the operator needs at the current time
The Pan / Tilt manipulator are always available from the lower left. When pressed it will open and at same time fade the current UI section out to keep focus on the task at hand
Video input mosaic UI. Layout mimics the physical layout of the screens
All return values from manipulated screen UI objects are also shown in the upper left corner. We also show the name of the object + the range of the value. The information will fade out as soon as the user stops changing values
A small selection of UI sketches
First sketch of the access from the center menu
Defining rules for the 2nd iteration of the UI elements
The actual ROV model was a pretty dominant element in the first iteration of the UI
HUD UI 2nd iteration
UI sketch for the video player module
The (we need to use the 3d rov model some more) version

I really loved some of the visuals and experiments we did in this version, but in the end there was just too much going on